My Journey

How did I get here

One day my husband told me that his doctor recommended bariatric surgery. He then suggested that I consider it for as well. I thought he must be crazy; I was a bit offended. I had been thin until I had kids. I was active in dance most of my life. Although, my diet consisted of mostly sugar, I didn’t seem to gain wait. I had no idea what it meant to be healthy. I wasn’t ‘fat’, so I must be healthy . Well, that was the wrong assumption.

I decided to join a gym. It was similar to CrossFit but considered a strength and conditioning gym. I need a classroom environment and I am a bit competitive. Being in a group pushes me. I also do better if I have a trainer or coach to push me, to correct my form and to tell me when I should add weight. Remember, I was new at this. The first time was an introduction where I met with the owner. This was perfect. I was very proud of myself. We did plenty of squats and I happen to love squats. He complimented me on flexibility which was great. The next day, my knees were swollen, my calves and feet were swollen and I was in pain. I had taken care of my mom and father-in-law; I knew what swollen legs and feet could mean. I elevated my feet, watched my salt intake and drank plenty of water.

The doctor said I had tendonitis in my knees. I spent most of my time at the gym on the bike and doing modified movements. Although I was bummed that I couldn’t make progress that I had hoped for, I appreciated to have coaches that worked with me and helped me to realize that I could still move and get some cardio in.

A few months later, we bought a house about 12 miles away. 12 miles isn’t a long distance, but when it takes 20 to 30 minutes to get there is sure seems like a ways. So, I stopped going. Daily tasks became difficult. I was winded just walking to the bathroom. I couldn’t keep up with my daughter on walks. I didn’t enjoy walking on the beach or even around the block.

Then it hit me, my husband was over 6″ and weighed over 300 lbs., I was 5’2″ and weight 234lbs. I was round. The weight gain was mostly in my stomach and butt. My husband was right. I should consider surgery as well. I found that I was a candidate and I entered the program. My husband and I were going to do this together.

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