About my Journey

My husband and I live in beautiful Norther Oregon. We were married in 1995, we have 5 wonderful kids and 7 beautiful grandkids. We have lived a life full of ups and downs. We are still navigating this life; each day is a new learning opportunity and a time to grow and be a better version of who we were yesterday.

I work as an Accounting Manager, part time doing food delivery and I have just started a bookkeeping business called Darlena’s Small Business Solutions.

The last several years has been a struggle. It has been on my heart for quite some time, to some how be an encouragement to others. But I didn’t feel worthy. I didn’t feel that I could ever encourage anyone because I was such a mess.

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else”

Booker T. Washington

Well, guess what!! We are all a mess. Every one of us. It is by God’s grace that we are forgiven. It is by God’s grace that we continue to pick up the pieces and move on with our lives. The hardest thing is to give ourselves grace.

I hope that this blog will encourage you. For me, this blog is healing and gives me hope.